For Brian's 60th he decided that an expedition to the Devils Eyes (two unusual holes in the rock) on the Hochkonig Mountain was his goal. Sounded like a good idea at the time :)

View to the 'Devils Eyes' from Haus Salzburg

Close up of the 'Devils Eyes' (top centre)

Along the river in Hinterthal

On the way to the Birtgen Hut

The Birtgen Hutte our home for the night 1843m (6046ft)

The Birtgen Hutte (3h from Hinterthal)

Inside the hut

Dinner with a view!

Some via ferrate on the way up

Finally 3h after leaving the hut we get to the eyes! 2741m (8992ft)

The view to Hinterthal



Crossing the Ubergrossene Alm Glacier in the mist

2h from the Eyes it was a relief to find the way down without getting lost in the mist!

Tricky stat of the decent from 2857m (9373ft) (with crampons!)

Still 3h to go and Brian lost his sole! 10m later he lost the other one too!

Still a log way down to the Stegmoose Alm hut

The last snow field

View to the Stegmoose Alm (hut on right) and our finishing point 10h after leaving the Birtgen Hutte!